Stay fit & Get results with me at the comfort of your home with my NEW 6 Week at Home Full Body Program!
This workout program was created to help you stay active and move your body with little equipment! Our health is very important and the body was created to be moving. If your goal is to get in shape and keep you healthy while working out at home, this program is for you. It suits beginners through advanced.
What’s included:
- 3 Booty & Leg days!
- 2 ABS and Upper Body days!
- Glutes Activation
- 4 pages of Frequently Asked Questions
- Unlimited emails with me!
- 6 Week Program to follow with written explanations and pictures of all exercises
- Workout routine for the entire week!
- Works your entire body
- Access to a private exercise library where you can see video demonstration for all exercises
- Overview about nutrition
- Workouts get more challenging as the weeks go on
- This workout guide includes Progressions, Reps & Sets, Resting time between exercises
- Cardio
What’s Needed:
- Exercise Mat
- Set of dumbbells (or Bodyweight!)
- Resistance bands